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December 16, 2013
Town of Princeton, Mass.  -- BOARD OF SELECTMEN  -- December 16, 2013

6:00 PM Open Meeting  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Neil Sulmasy arriving around 6:15 and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.

New Business
Pending a late arrival by Neil S. the remaining two selectmen voted all in favor to approve and sign liquor license renewal applications for the following: QuikStop, Thirsty Lab, Harrington Farm, Mountain Barn, Sonoma, Mountainside Market; Norco Club and Nimrod Club.

6:10 PM  One request came in late for a Class II Auto Sales license.  With Neal present, all three selectmen then voted all in favor to approve and sign the license for Steve Zottoli DBA/ SZ Auto.  Another request came in from Paul Constantino for cemetery lots. The board voted all in favor to sign the cemetery deed to sell two lots in Woodlawn Cemetery to the Constantinos.
        It was noted that the MMA (Mass. Municipal Association) annual meeting is Jan. 14, 2014 and if selectmen don’t attend they may appoint a designee. The board voted all in favor to designate John L. to attend the meeting on their behalf.
        The Mountain Barn had been hired as the site for the annual Town Volunteer and Staff Holiday Party on Dec. 11. Stan requested that the board send a letter to owners Steve and Mindy Zottoli to recognize appreciation for the outstanding quality of the hors d’oeuvres. All agreed.

Scheduled Meetings/Appointments
6:15 PM  Larry Greene Sr. came in for the Road Advisory Committee in advance of FY 2015 budget development. John noted that regarding Chapter 90 transportation funds, the House and Senate both voted to spend a total package but the governor’s office ultimately released only about two-thirds. For Princeton that translates as more than a $116,000 shortfall. Larry submitted a spreadsheet outlining a request for an additional $50,000 in FY’15 and $75,000 in FY’16 in the road repair budget. Stan pointed out that it was too early to gauge the successful passage of these budget figures.

The board reviewed a draft letter to the Senate and House chairs for the Subcommittee on Education, regarding the BOS support of House Bill 457/Senate Bill 207: An Act Reviving the Foundation Budget Review Commission. The board voted all in favor to sign and send the letter.

Old Business
John L. explained how selectmen might consider rescinding their vote of December 2 which established the Cable Advisory Committee and instead, vote to expand the charge of the Broadband Committee. He outlined the advantage of combining Broadband and Cable Advisory Committees into a single committee, since establishing a new committee requires a lot of unnecessary effort for the Town Clerk and the members. John said expanding the Broadband Committee’s charge is a much better way to approach this. The board voted all in favor to rescind the action from Dec. 2. They then voted all in favor to expand the charge of the existing Broadband Committee to “inform and educate the public about cable; solicit ideas regarding possible services to be derived from the cable system; assist in preparing the Issuing Authority Report; and assist in the analysis of applicants.” They finally voted all in favor to retain the group’s name as Broadband Committee.
        Stan reported on the committee’s progress in creating a network design document, and said they would most likely seek some technical help from a professional.

6:45 PM  The board voted again on approving the liquor licenses so as to include Neil S., who then signed all documents.
Selectmen discussed the Wreaths Across America caravan that came through town and stopped at TP School on Nov. 26. The TP School is the only school that has gotten so actively involved, starting some years ago when students collected donations and placed wreaths at local veterans’ graves. They invited the tractor-trailer caravan to Princeton as an official stop on the way from Maine to Arlington Nat. Cemetery. Students sang for the visitors and distributed gift bags with snacks that they had decorated, along with letters to the veterans who are crew for the project. The wreaths which students received for their donations were placed by the students at vets’ graves at the Winchendon Veterans Cemetery and cemeteries in town. The board agreed to have John L. send a letter to the TP students to congratulate them on their efforts and the success of the event

Warrants and Minutes
Selectmen reviewed and approved Vendor and Payroll Warrants: FY14 #12.   They voted all in favor to approve meeting minutes and approve but not release executive session minutes for Dec. 2, 2013

Executive Session
7:05 PM  Neil moved that selectmen enter into executive session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30A, Section 21(3), in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel (Fire Chief) and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining (Police Officers) and not to reconvene into open session. Edith seconded the motion. In roll-call vote, Stan said “aye;” Edith said “aye” and Neil said “aye.” Stan announced that the Board would enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to union and non-union personnel since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the town and that the board will not reconvene in open session.

8:21 PM Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,   Marie Auger, administrative assistant
Referenced Documents:  Deed for Woodlawn Cemetery lots; letter regarding the BOS support of House Bill 457/Senate Bill 207: An Act Reviving the Foundation Budget Review Commission; Eight liquor license renewals; one Class II Auto Sales license; Road Advisory Committee 6-year road plan budget spreadsheet.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department